Monday, January 30, 2012

Banner Day

Today was a banner day for us, the Ewings arrived!   Last fall, we met a great family from Arkansas.   They are fellow believers and an absolute joy.   One similarity between our families is we both have one actor and one non actor.   I heard Marilyn's voice and couldn't wait to go over and say hello.   This spring our apartments are next door to each other.   My little guy won't have very far to go to find his buddy Cole.  

Tomorrow my daughter wraps this film she has worked on this month.   She is pretty bummed it will be over.   She has enjoyed getting to know various people.   She really likes the costumer, her faux Dad, and the cameraman.   I'll get pictures of her with everyone and post.   I totally forgot to post this one a couple of weeks ago.   In the film, she breaks her arm falling from a playground apparatus.   I got a picture of my daughter with her stunt double.  

Isn't that great?  A grown woman who could double a kid!   She even was able to wear my daughter's shoes.   My daughter is only 42" tall.   This woman is not much bigger.    

Later in the film she has a nasty bruise.   Doesn't this look cool?   My hubby thought it was real at first.

I will post more pictures with the cast after she wraps tomorrow.  

"If one falls down, his friend can help him up.   But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him." 
Ecclesiastes 4:10

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Just Read the Most Wonderful Blog Post

I saw someone share this post in their newsfeed on FB.   I read it and WOW!   I have to agree with her.   I want my kids to be content and holy.   Yes, yes, and yes.   Enjoy!

In the meantime this is my prayer and desire. 

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
Proverbs 22:6

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day Off

I love this picture of my son.   He was a tired boy when he flew on Saturday evening.

Today my daughter had a day off from filming.   She has two more days of filming and she is done with this film.   She has had a great time on set.   The cast and crew are very nice.   She is getting great experience.   Jason went with her on Sunday, Monday, and part of Tuesday for filming.   The boy and I hung out at the apartment  Sunday and Monday.  
Some of you have asked for pictures.   Here are some pictures of her on set:
Industrial Shipyard.

Setting lighting for a shot

Doing homework

Tuesday, we dropped my daughter and husband off at the set and went exploring.   She is filming near Long Beach so little man and I visited the Cabrillo Marine Aquarium in San Pedro.   It was neat smaller aquarium totally geared to kids.   Everything was hands on.   They had tide pools set up to touch starfish and sea anemones.   We got to see small sharks in a pool next to the tide pools.   He wanted his picture taken with this starfish.
And with the fake shark

Inside the aquarium there were tons of tanks set up with tons of things to see.   There was an exploration area where you could look into microscopes and see things.   We had a blast.  I had to coax him into touching stuff in the tide pool, but he finally did.  It was totally worth the trip and we paid a whopping $10 for both of us.  

We had most of the day to kill, so we also visited a local deli for lunch.   We played at a playground on the beach that had a great view of the port of L.A.   We also visited a thrift store.   I bought a scarf ($1) and a hot wheels track set ($4).   I turned the scarf into a draft blocker for our apartment door.   The scarf was doubled so I opened a place in the side, stuffed it with plastic bags, and sewed the hole closed.   It works like a charm!   We went back to the set to take over for Jason who was catching a flight out of LAX that night.   The kids and I went back to set on Wednesday and Thursday.   Thankfully the weather was beautiful.  We spent some time outside when my daughter wasn't needed.   Thursday at lunch, we went down to some tide pools not far from the set and explored.   It was low tide, so we saw more sea anemones and picked up a piece of an abalone shell.  
See the anemones?   I count 6 in the picture.

Since we only got 30 minutes for lunch, we ate quickly, drove to the ocean, walked down, explored for about 10 minutes and headed back.   If we get a free day sometime in the next few months I might make a trip back to that area and do more exploring.  

She was released a little before sunset on Thursday, so we stopped at an overlook and enjoyed the views.

She is off tomorrow, but has an acting class and a table read for another film.   She has come down with a cold that her brother shared with her when he got here.   I have made her lay low most of the day to get better.    I plan to do the same thing tomorrow.   Class in the morning, rest during the day, table read tomorrow evening, and bed.  

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weird Friends, Family is Good.

Friends can be a glimpse of heaven.   Family is downright heavenly.   Jason and my son arrived!   My son was passed out last night when they arrived.   Thankfully we have a set of wheels that attach to the car seat, so Jason just wheeled him along asleep like a piece of luggage.   My son feel asleep about 150 miles out from the airport.   It was so good so hold my husband when I talked to him.   The sheer excitement in my daughter's voice when she saw her brother and Daddy was priceless.   Our situation is a bit odd and trying, but we are determined to stay connected during this season. 

Today, we divided and conquered the kids.   My husband took my daughter to the set.   I got to hang with Buddy all day.   We watched church online.   Then, I taught him how to ride his new scooter.   We practiced by scootering over to the park.   He played in the sand for a while.   I pushed him on a riding toy for a few laps, until my hamstrings started to burn.    We came back and he took a bath.   We spent the rest of the day playing cars, blocks, Legos and Go Fish.   My daughter had a lot of waiting time on set today, so I am sure she and Daddy got lots of quality time.   I sent them with cards, UNO, and books. 

I am cooking for four tonight and it feels great!   Expect them within the hour.   Nevermind, my hubby just called and it looks like they are not wrapping her for the day anytime soon.   Boo!   I'll keep it warm for when they do get here.    

My daughter was supposed to have an audition this evening, but she is missing it because filming is running over.   The great thing about having a manager is that I called her and told her the situation.   She will deal with the agent see if they can get her in another time.    I am so glad that we have her for that.   Many people ask if we have to play our agent and manager.   They get paid when we get paid.  There are no upfront cost associated with them.    Our upfront costs include headshots/resume creating and printing, clothes used to audition, and gas money for the car.   Of course, since she is working out of L.A. now we also have living expenses.   I am a little disappointed that she is missing this audition.   It looked to be big.   We would have needed to sign a NDA (Non-disclosure agreement.)   In other words, you can't talk about it, blog, FB or sometimes even list it on her resume.   Some big advertising companies do them.   As I have chronicled this week, God is in control and intimately involved in our lives.   He knew this would happen and I will trust him in that.  

Friday, January 20, 2012

Weird Friends, Friends Can be a Glimpse of Heaven

Today, I read an e-mail from a great friend just as she was supposed to do a phone interview.  I had to opportunity to pray for her in the moment.  I also sent her an e-mail back telling her I had prayed.   Later, she called to let me know how things went.   As it turns out, she interviewed after I prayed and not during.  I know it helped to know someone was praying. You can pray for her as she looks for a job in a very tough market.   

Talking with her, I was reminded that friends can truly be "Jesus with skin on" here on Earth.  Later this afternoon, my daughter had a Skype chat with one of her good friends.   Listening to them talk and laugh was another reminder of the goodness of friendship.   I'm trying to work on ways for my daughter and son to make some friends out here.   I've contacted a couple of homeschool groups.   We visit the park for them to play with other kids.   Without them being in school, it is hard to make friends.   Our church here is great, but has a lot of single people.   The children's ministry is growing, so who knows.  Our sweet friends from Arkansas should be here soon, God willing.   Two other families that we know will be here in February as well.   Of course with our schedule as of late, we would not have been around to enjoy those friendships if they were here now.   I pretty sure once pilot season ramps up we will all be pretty busy auditioning.   At least we hope, that is why we are out here!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Weird Friends, I Didn't Kill a Homeless Guy

The title says it all.   I was driving down Vine this morning taking my daughter to an acting class.  We were chatting away and I noticed this white trucked was stopped in the the lane next to me.  It was mid block and somewhere in my brain registered, "pedestrian jaywalking?"   I slowed down and about that time a homeless man shod only in pajamas and socks walks right in front of me.   I slammed on the brakes and by some miracle stopped.   Thankfully the man behind me, who was tailgating me, didn't hit me.   Our homeless friend shuffled his way across the street staring us down as if he was annoyed by our presence.

I learned a little L.A. lore last fall.  You stop for pedestrians wherever, whenever, ALWAYS, even jaywalking.  I know technically vehicles should yield to pedestrians, but I have never seen it in practice like I have here.  It is nice if you are a pedestrian.   It can be annoying when you finally get it clear to turn left and someone ambles out into the road taking a Sunday stroll ignoring the orange hand that means, you missed your chance buddy!  In Houston you are lucky not be run you down crossing the street while someone makes a right hand turn, walk light or no walk light.    I'm glad that I had that tucked away and God reminded me of it.   Otherwise, I might have seriously injured another human.   I'm not sure my daughter or I would've recovered from that.

In other news, we made both the booking and the audition today.   The traffic on the 101 had me nervous for while, but we were on time to both, early to the second.   I also have not had to pay to park yet since I got here.   I am learning to take advantage of parking in a neighborhood and walking a couple of blocks to our destination.   First, I copiously study the signs to make sure I am legal.   The conversation in my head goes like this, "No parking Monday 12-3, OK, it is Thursday. Good.  2 hr. parking 8am - 6pm, except Sunday.   It is 2:00, I have until 4:00. No parking after 6pm, Permit 3B exempted.  Man I wish I had a 3B permit today, but I don't need it."
I wonder how long my streak will last?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Weird Friends, God is in the Details

Today nothing over-the-top, earth shattering happened today.   I truly felt God was in the details.   I'll just make a list.
1. Found a parking spot in a very crowded garage, on the roof.   It was nice because the car was nice and toasty on a chilly day by the coast. 

2.  Found a replacement mitten for my daughter.  I needed one mitten and Michaels had one mitten.   I got it for 30 cents.  

3.  Made it to a 2nd audition with 45 minutes to spare.  The freeway was very jammed on our way into Santa Monica.  After the 1st audition, we got the mitten we needed, and headed for the 2nd audition in Hollywood.   The traffic was remarkably clearer.   We got there in 20 minutes.   When does that ever happen?  

4.   Since I had extra time, I popped into American Rag and found the size I was looking for in a corduroy Tom.  I tried it on, and confirmed that the bigger size I bought on Sunday was right.   It was also cheaper at Nordstrom than American Rag.  I can take that off my todo list.

5.  Was able to scooter over to the library and back before the sun went down.  The exercise felt good.   I hope to run on Friday again.   I haven't really had time.   My daughter has been working ahead this week to give herself a day off on Friday.   She deserves it.   I didn't give her MLK day off.   Don't tell her she missed a holiday other kids got, she'll be miffed!

I have a tight schedule tomorrow.   I'm praying for traffic mercy as we go from a class in Hollywood to Downtown in 45 minutes.   It is supposed to take 15 minutes with no traffic.  I'm praying the booking doesn't run very long and we can make an audition.   When I scheduled the audition, I was thinking booking was an audition.    Praying that 2 hours is long enough for the booking and we can make the audition.   If we don't...I trust we weren't supposed to do it. 

Earlier tonight, I thought I wouldn't have much to blog.   I could say, well I didn't really see God move much today.   When I sat down to write all these events flooded my mind.   He is in the big and the little.   I'm so thankful He cares at all.   Look for God in the everyday.  He will show up if you are looking. 

Weird Friends, My God Moment of the Day

I am not a morning person, let me repeat, I am NOT a morning person.   My daughter had a call time today of 10:00 which is not early unless you count the 41 mile trip to the location and rush hour traffic in L.A.   It takes us about an hour to get ready start to finish.  I also stayed up WAYYYY too late reading Catching Fire.  OK, now that I have confessed everything, on with the story.
As I stumbled out the door this morning at 8:30, I completely forgot to grab my cell phone.   I remembered on about mile 38 of my 41 mile trip.   Yes, we did survive not having cell phones a few years ago.  An actor needs to be reachable all the times.   My being off the grid even for the morning was risky.   I could not go back for it, so I prayed I wouldn't get a call for my daughter to be somewhere at 2:00.   Today, she was filming a scene for a film that she worked on this Fall.   I was most concerned that her current film would decide they wanted her today and I wouldn't be reachable.   I was also a little worried her agent or manager might try to reach us.  

Today's filming ran over by 2 hours, (insert sarcasm)yay!   I was ready to run out of there once they finished.   When she was finally wrapped, we made a quick 41 mile trek home.   The upside to sitting around for 4 hours is that I finished Catching Fire.  I can't wait to get my hands on the 3rd book and find out how this thing ends. 

Thankfully in the six hours I was without my phone, I missed one call from my hubby about 20 minutes before I got home.  It was for a film audition for tomorrow.   It came through e-mail and he handled it.   After my phone was back into my hands, my daughter's manager called.   Just as an aside, in L.A. most actors have agents and managers.   The manager does the hand holding and got your back stuff.   The agent books your jobs.   She was letting us know that my daughter had an audition for a national commercial tomorrow.  

Whew!   God showed up today by having everything wait until I was back on the grid.   Lesson learned...strap that cell phone to my body and never take it off.   Just kidding.   I will just make sure I have three things before I leave, my wallet, keys, and cell phone.  

Praise the Lord!   I was watching for my God moment all day.   I thought the cell phone might be part of it, but I didn't know how until it all unfolded.   God always delivers.

"For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does."
Psalm 33:4

Monday, January 16, 2012

Will You Be My Weird Friend?

While I am in L.A. I go to a great church.    The sermon on Sunday was incredible and challenging.   The topic, bit intangible, it was looking for moments when God moves.    Something weird can happen to you,   There are two approaches to this, you can either explain it away a million different ways or you can credit God.The pastor gave his example of a "weird" God moving experience.   His was pretty undeniable.   Mine story is not as "wow," but I'll share it.  

In December, my daughter and I flew to L.A. for her to film a webisode for Hulu.  We had a plane change in Phoenix.   I typically wear jewelry when I fly, but take it off when going through security.   I went through security in Houston.  After my daughter and I arrived at our gate, I put my watch and two bracelets back on.   I wear my watch, my kids' name bracelet and my mustard seed bracelet.   My wrist typically looks like this:

When we got off the plane in Phoenix, I went to the screens to check the gate for our next flight.   I also checked my watch to make sure I adjusted the time correctly.   We had an hour and half before our flight into LAX.   There were some eateries near where we were.  We decided to eat before going over to the next terminal to find our gate.   We got our food and when we sat down to eat I noticed my wrist felt different.   I looked down and my watch was GONE!   The watch is pretty sentimental to me.  I bought it with money given to me by the last class of students I taught.   I mentioned to my daughter that I lost my watch.    She was very concerned.   I explained its significance to her.  Next, I started thinking about when I last noticed wearing it.   I knew I had it on the plane.   I remembered I looked at when I checked the board for our connection in Phoenix.   I knew I had lost it in a 50 yard radius.   At this point I choked down food, but my appetite was gone.   After scanning the floor, I decided I would check with the vendors and see if anyone had turned it in.   By this time, I figured it was missing about 20 minutes.   None of the vendors had it.   My daughter finished eating.   There was one vendor left to try and then I was going to give up.   At this point it was missing about 30-40 minutes.   I felt I should pray about it.  I know the God of the universe has more important things to do than locating a missing watch, but he cares deeply for each of us, so I thought I would ask.   After praying, we went to the last vendor and she did not have it either.   We made a stop in the restroom.   When we came out sitting on top of a box mounted on the wall was my watch.   I was in shock!   I quickly put it on and prayed a prayer of thanksgiving.   I could explain it away as a good samaritan, but truly God pointed me to that box where He had another human place my watch on for me to find. 

So what does this have to do with being my weird friend?   We were challenged in church to look for God moving this week.   The challenge was to daily stop and look for a place in your day where you saw God move.   Next, you are to tell your weird friend.   Why are you weird friends?   He said to find someone who would not judge you as weird because they are just as weird as you.   Weird friends, this week you will get six posts from me, God willing, where I saw God move.   As an aside, I love to look for God moving.   I've been known to tell people, "That was a God thing."   Sometimes I get smiles and sometimes I get strange looks.  

My God moving story for today is not as dramatic as my watch, but God moving.   I posted here about how my husband and I had to trade cars at the last minute.   We all know that Houston has had a drought for the last 9 months, I figured that the windshield wipers needed changing.   I tried to clean the windshield on the way out here and it smeared terribly.   I admit, I've procrastinated on changing the wipers because it NEVER rains in L.A.   We have also been really busy with several days of filming.  Today, we were heading to the location for the filming and it started raining.    I really don't like to drive in L.A. when it does rain because 1) people do not reduce speed and 2) there is a terrible slick that is created on the surface of the road because it never rains.   I was terrified to try the wipers for fear that it was smear horribly and I would be worse off.   I prayed for them to work.   I got to my exit and tried them because I need more faith.  They worked beautifully with a tiny smear on the passenger side.   Go God!    Insignificant in the grander scheme of the universe, yes.  God letting me know he loves me intimately, yes.    We needed them for 10 seconds and the shower passed.   Just long enough for God to show up in my day.  

I challenge you to look for God moving and tell someone.   It is cool to see God do something and know it is Him.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mini Valentine Photo Session anyone?

I love to support local businesses.   My friend Sarah takes wonderful pictures!    You can book a mini session and get a sample of her incredible pictures!

Here is the link to her promo:  
Fish Lips Photography is giving away a Valentine's Mini Session at"


Easy Day

We are between rehearsals and filming so today was an easy day.   We got up; my daughter did her school work in record time.   She even worked ahead since we knew she has filming for the next five days.   We had lunch and BOTH practiced violin.   I can see our violin teacher smiling now.   Finally around 2:00, we headed out to Runyon Canyon.   It is not far from our apartment.   Jason and I took the kids there last Fall.  On that trip, we did a very short loop.   I wanted to see more of Runyon Canyon today so we started down the main trail.   It is a pretty steep climb up and down.   It felt great to be out in the sunshine.   My daughter complained that she was soooooo tired.   I hoped I was accomplishing my goal of wearing her out with a little physical exercise.   I find it amusing that on Monday we took a 3.5 mile run for me, scooter ride for her and she never complained once.   She took one look at the trail at Runyon and the complaints started in earnest.   I think she was more overwhelmed by it than tired by it.  

It was a pretty smoggy day in L.A. so they views were a bit hazy.   Despite the smog, we were still treated to incredible views.   We enjoyed a great view of Hollywood and the surrounding areas.  There are tons of houses built into the hills.   We looked down on one large house which also had a large swimming pool and tennis court to accompany it.   Another house had a back deck painted lime green.  We also saw a periwinkle colored house.   I loved the walk.   We were there for about 45 minutes.   I’m not sure if I’ll convince my daughter to go back.   She claims to be EXHAUSTED!  The trails are very popular for running and walking.   We passed tons of people.   The people watching is also very interesting.   I’ve been asked if I have met anyone famous while out in L.A.   I am sure I have passed famous people on the street and never recognized them.   I may have passed a famous person today…who knows.   This is L.A., land of the beautiful and fit people.  I certainly saw some interesting people.  

In other news, we heard that both commercials my daughter was in for the Doritos Superbowl contest did not make the finals.   It was a fun experience to make them.  Each time she has the chance to be on a set, she always has fun.  

We are currently waiting for an oil change in the car.   Since we had our last minute car switch before leaving Texas, I knew I needed to get an oil change once I got here.   The film location is about 50 miles from our apartment, so in the next few days I am going to log more miles on the car.   After my bad experience in Houston, when the shop broke something on my car to get more repair dollars out of me, I did my research before getting the oil changed.   I found a low key shop that had lots of positive reviews on Yelp.   I am thankful that Jason can make most repairs on our cars and I don’t have to subject to dishonest mechanics on a regular basis. 

The car is ready and we are off to run some errands before heading back for dinner.  Praise the Lord for beautiful weather and good health to be able to get out and enjoy it!

"Let the sea resound, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.  Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy; "
Psalm 98:7-8

Saturday, January 7, 2012

And the Award Goes to…

I had to take our older car to California due to mechanical issues with my car.   We had to be in L.A. by Friday morning.  When something went wrong on Wednesday afternoon with my car, my husband and I had to make a quick trade.   Even though the car is old, Jason has done a ton of work on it.   He listed off all the new stuff on it and I had more confidence in it.  The downside of the trade is in the older car Jason has been trying to diagnose a loose wire that affects the radio, clock and cigarette lighter.   Since it is still not fixed, I didn’t have any music for the drive to pass the time.  I forgot to grab the MP3 player and didn’t want to risk my phone battery.  Instead, I wrote this blog in my head. 
I came up with a list of awards for various things that happened on the drive from Houston to L.A.

Most uneventful drive: Houston to San Antonio on a Tuesday night after 6.

Road with too many deer: Rte. 16 between Bandera and Medina…I saw 40.

Tastiest Little Country Diner breakfast:   The little BBQ place in Medina that makes a good breakfast. 

Best speed limit:   Texas between Kerrville and El Paso…80

Craziest drivers: Tie between Tucson and L.A….Whew!

Coolest/cleanest truck stop: Las Cruces, New Mexico, they had popcorn chips!

Best Sunset:  New Mexico, between Las Cruces and Demming

I have to comment on this one.   The sunset itself was pretty normal, but the sky opposite of where the sun was setting was amazing.    The sky was a lilac shade of purple that faded into a cobalt blue at the horizon.   After a few minutes, there were horizontal streaks of pink going through the purple.   Absolutely beautiful!

Nicest hotel for least amount of points: Hampton Inn, Lordsberg, NM. 7500 points

Town filled with retirees and their RVs trying to get gas before crossing into California: Quartzsite, NM., glad to escape that town in one piece!

Most exhausting leg: From Palm Springs to our apartment…120 miles of urban freeway type driving

Biggest Trooper:   My daughter, we made 0 stops on Tuesday night until we got to my Grandfather's house, 2 stops on Wednesday, 3 stops on Thursday

Most Likely to Become a Long Haul Trucker: ME!  I drove only 5 hours Tuesday due to issues, 9 hours on Wednesday, 11 hours on Thursday


The Little Engine that Could Award goes to my 94 Toyota Camry that I never thought would make it to California.    Now, let’s pray it makes it back to Texas in a few months!

We are settled into our apartment.   Even though I was exhausted, I unpacked Friday night.   We went to my daughter’s blocking rehearsal yesterday.   We finished with the rehearsal early.   We returned home and rode the scooters down to the library and park.   We picked up a couple of books and my daughter played at the park.   The fun ended shortly after a younger child dumped a bucket of sand on her head.  We scootered home and washed her hair.   Finally, last night we made a Target run for groceries.  This morning we slept late, finished up school work for the week, went to the bank, went to the Farmer’s Market, and got the car washed.  I still need to get the oil changed in the car and buy windshield wiper blades, but that will wait for Monday.   We have another blocking rehearsal tomorrow.  I plan to spend the rest of the today doing a whole lot of nothing.    

"And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,  filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of  God."
 Philippians 1:9-11

Friday, January 6, 2012

Book Review: Shadows in the Sand

I recently read Shadows in the Sand by Gayle Roper.   As a whole, the book is ok.  The first few chapters were painful to get though as the author set up the story.   If I were not reviewing the book, I would’ve put it down.   I persisted and the book got better.   By the end, I could not put the book down.   I expected to not to like the book, but I would recommend it to a friend with a disclaimer to expect the first few chapters to be difficult reading. 

The characters are likable.   As the reader, I hoped that the two main characters, Carrie and Greg would find each other.   The story that develops between them is very sweet.  The subplot involving a cult adds an interesting twist.   The events that unfold involving the cult is what redeems the book.  

Honestly, I would suggest the author rewrite the beginning to make the introduction of the characters and storyline a bit smoother. 

I received this book for review from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers.   All opinions expressed are my own. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What A Drive!

We made it to L.A. today.   As I was driving, I was writing a blog post in my head.   That will have to wait until tomorrrow.  Even though it is only 8 pm in L.A. I am exhausted.  We got up at 6:00 central which would've been 4:00 in California.  

Off to bed!
"The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing."
Psalm 23:1