Friday, September 4, 2009

Another One Bites the Dust

Edit: I wrote this on Friday and edited today. Please pray for Jason and I, we are facing a huge decision this week.

I had every intention to post more than just on Fridays. This has been another crazy busy week. Wednesday, we kicked off MOPS at our church. It was a good time. We had lots of new ladies as well as lots of familiar faces. Our pastor's wife spoke to us about thriving not just surviving on Planet Mom. Planet Mom is the theme of MOPS International this year. The theme boils down to the idea that when you have a child, it seems as if you move to another planet, planet Mom. What I loved about our pastor's wife's talk was her first point. It was even though we are on planet Mom our lives should still revolve around the Son. Jesus is what we need to make it through the days of this crazy world we live in. Her other points were good as well, but I love that she talked about the importance of a relationship with Jesus in her first point.

Last weekend I went to the Living Proof Simulcast held at my church. I absolutely love to listen to Beth Moore. She has wonderful insight into the scriptures. Beth is so humble and funny as well that it makes for an enriching, fun experience.

After my daughter started school, it became apparent that life would be a lot easier with two cars. This week we decided to buy a second car. We ended up buying a Suburban...the Texas Cadallic. It killed me to buy such a gas guzzling vehicle. We needed such a larger vehicle to tow a boat. We planned to wait a year or two to buy a boat, but found a good deal on a used boat, so we ended up getting that as well this week. Yes, I feel like I have bled money this week. We've been saving for a car for the past two years. We gave our other car away when we moved from Florida. We were able to pay for the boat out of our savings as well. I feel such a tension to want to sacrifice and pay off Jason's student loans from graduate school early and living life. Jason feels that he has some job stability for now. This encouraged us to go ahead and get the boat. We both love the water and being on the water. Having a boat is something we talked about before we were married. So instead of fancy vacations, we plan to have good quality family time on the boat. It is a cabin boat, so we can also sleep on the boat. We are very excited.

As far as the car until now, it has worked to share a car. Jason works close to our home. I would just drop him off at work and go about my day. I homeschooled my daughter and had very few commitments outside the home. Most of our activitites are within a 7 mile radius of our house, we really didn't need a second car until now. My husband's hours are also very flexible. So, I could drop him off earlier or later to make the schedule work out as well. We hope to take the boat out this weekend and try it out. Jason has to replace the trailer brakes today. We still plan to share our smaller car as much as we can to minimize the amount of gas we burn driving the larger car. Thursdays are a good example. I have to take my son to gymnamstics and my daughter to violin. When we come home, I'll drive right by Jason's office, so I'll plan to take him and pick him up that day.

It has been another busy week, looking forward to a wonderful Labor Day.

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