Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday, Friday

I've been working on entering new MOPS registrations into my mega excel database for about an hour. I'm about halfway through, so I'm taking a break. My son was playing very nicely with his tractors and cars, but he was starting to get bored with it. He is currently watching Cars. I can hopefully finish my MOPS work. We kick off MOPS this Wednesday. I'd like to start a MOPS Facebook Group for our group. I hope to get it going by Wednesday.

But before I return to the world of MOPS, I'll share a couple of antidotes. Yesterday was my son's first day of gymnastics. We signed him up last Saturday at a gym near our house. We'd been thinking about signing him up, but didn't realize that the classes followed the school calendar. We went and visited the gym on Saturday and signed on the dotted line. He is enrolled for this semester. There are five kids in his class. They stretch before class, then they have time on giant trampolines, then they go through this little course that has a single parallel bar, a small trampoline, an incline to climb over, and a mat where they are teaching them the beginning steps to a round off. At the end, they go play in the foam bricks. My Mom went with me to class. It was hysterical to watch him in class. We had the best time watching him. I'm bringing the video camera next week so that I can tape some of it and post a video. During the stretching, he was trying so hard to follow along, but kept falling over. After the stretching, they were organizing the kids to go to the trampolines. My son took off across the gym to where the teenagers were working out. I guess he figured it was time to get on the pommel horse. His teacher caught up with him before he got too far. On the large trampolines, he would bounce once and then get off and watch. His teacher would get him to come back on and he would bounce once and get off. His teacher told me after class that he complained his legs were tired. I think he was scared he would get bounced on by another child. There were two kids on each huge rectangular trampoline. When they went to the course, my son was on the bar first. He could hang from it. His teacher helped him get his legs up to hang or turn a flip. After she left, he kept trying. Once he had one leg almost up and then fell down. Good thing there is lots of padding. Next, he went to the single trampoline and jumped and jumped. I guess his legs weren't hurting then. :) They finished class off with jumping into the pits with foam bricks. He had a blast doing this. I think this was his favorite part of class.

After class I asked, "Did you like gymnastics?"

He replied enthusiastically, "Yes!"

I asked, "Are you ready to come back next week?"


Me laughing, "Sorry buddy you are signed up for the long haul."

I heard Jason ask him this morning if he wanted to go back next week and he said yes. So we'll see how this goes.

A story from my daughter’s school. In my daughter's class, each child has a pocket on the wall with different colored cards in it. The kids move their card for misbehavior. The cards are as follows: green for excellent, yellow for good, orange for warning, and red for a phone call home. They can also redeem their card for good behavior. If a child moves to yellow and then does everything fine then they can move back to green. At the end of the week we get a progress report on behavior. Jason and my daughter were talking about moving her card. She is very proud that she has not done that yet. Jason asked what might cause her to move her card. My daughter told him whispering at nap time was not allowed. Then my daughter mentioned that she naps on the tile where she can slide around. Jason asked if that would cause her to move her card. She said yes, but the teacher can't see her on the tile. Sounds like it is only a matter of time before her card moves...
I am going to the Living Proof Live Simulcast at my church tonight and tomorrow. I'm very excited. The last Living Proof Live I attended was in Atlanta with my friend Becky and her Mom. I am very excited to get a dose of Beth. Tuesday night bible study also starts soon!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing your blog! the gymnastics stories and kindergarten stories made me smile:)
