The blog has been neglected recently due to sock monkey production. For my daughter's birthday this year we had a sock monkey themed almost sleepover. I gave each girl a sock monkey as a party favor. Here are all the girl's sock monkeys.
I ordered the traditional rockford red heel socks and started sewing. I took several pictures of the process and plan to post a how to blog. When I looked for instructions, there we some instructional blogs. Honestly, I found them lacking. We had a cookie cake. I used our Recycle Bank points for a free cookie cake from Great American cookie cake. They did a great job decorating it. My Mom gave gave my daughter some cool monkey PJs to wear for the party. The party was three hours of high energy excitement. My mother-in-law was in town to help with the party. I was so thankful to have her help. For the party, we made shrink-a-dink tags to go on the monkeys. Next, we made personal pizzas. As the pizzas cooked, we made bottle cap necklaces. Then, we ate our pizzas and played Uno. By this time, I could see that the girls needed some unstructured time. We had a dress up time which gave them an opportunity to dance around in my daughter's dress up clothes. Finally, we had cake and ice cream. After cake and ice cream, I read a book to the girls and their parents arrived to pick them up. My daughter had a great time and I collapsed on the couch to recover from five giggly energetic girls. I count this year a success and I am already dreaming up the plans for next year's party.
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