My kids ran their first 1K. I was unsure how they would do. They did really well. My daughter finished in the first 20 kids and my son was about 15 kids behind her. Here they are:
They were so proud of their ribbons.
Next was Jason and I's turn to run. Here we are at the beginning.
We ran the first 10 minutes with no problems. Then into the 2nd mile Jason's knee started to tighten up. He stopped and stretched. We walked a little and he stretched some more. His knee continued to give him issues. We ran through the turn around and walked again. After the turn around, his knee became so tight he was limping as he walked. I decided then I would give up besting my time from the previous year and finish with Jason regardless of the time. We walked a lot. Jason kept trying to stretch it out and didn't have much success. A friend from college caught up with us. We ran the last stretch with him and encouraged him to the end.
You can see our cheering section in the above picture. Jason pressed on and finished.
I enjoyed Jason doing the race with me. Hopefully, we can run together again next year and not have any knee complications.
There's Nick! :) I love that the four of you did this as a family. Wes and I are signed up to do our first 5K at the end of the month, and we're so excited!