Saturday, July 14, 2012

Book Review: To Heaven and Back

I recently had the opportunity to read To Heaven and Back by Mary C. Neal.   I found it a very interesting book.   The book basically details an accident that causes Mary to die and come back to life.  After her death experience, the book follows her life to the present.  

 I found that the first half of the book which describes her life up to and including the accident reads very quickly.  The second half of the book goes a bit slower.  She provides great detail of her experiences.   You can clearly see God working in her life.   She is unapologetic about seeing God at work in her life and recognizing it as such.  

I would recommend this to a friend.

I received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers for the purposes of review.  


  1. I've seen this book around and wondered about it. Thanks for your thoughts and the review. :O)

  2. Diane, you are welcome. I am glad the review was helpful.
