Thursday, March 29, 2012

Crocheting and Funny Story

I've been a crocheting fool.   I found a really easy scarf pattern and made 4 scarves from it.   I can now make the scarves without thinking about it.  I also saw a neat pattern for keeping your crochet hooks in one place.   It uses a bit of a complicated star stitch.   I found the pattern on this blog, but there was also a tutorial on Youtube.  Using both as resources worked very well.   I watched the videos and tried stuff until I got the hang of it.  In addition to learning how to read a pattern and make the star stitch, I also learned a half double crochet stitch.  I am using a yarn that changes colors, so it looks interesting.   Jason is requesting that I make him something.   I'm thinking about a beanie in a big chunky yarn.   I'm still thinking about it.  

Yesterday, I stopped into a local scrapbook store.   I run past it when we run, but we are in the middle of a workout, so we don't stop!   I found their prices for paper very high, but they had a bargain bin I enjoyed.   There were odd papers for $0.49.  I found a cool piece that had was a scalloped shape with a spot on one corner.   I figured I could put an embellishment over it and no one would ever know. 

Now for the funny story...  My daughter had two auditions today.  She went to one audition where she recognized the casting director from a previous audition and callback.   He was joking around with her and she came out of the audition in good mood.   She had a 2nd audition at another facility.   We drove over to the 2nd and she was telling me with relish about her first audition.   The 2nd audition was for a grocery store.   It was what I call a "cattle call."   They call a zillion kids for one role.   I don't put much stock in these, but they are good experience for auditioning.   She was still silly from her last audition.  They took the kids in 8 at a time.  She was the next to last in her group of kids.  The casting director had all of the kids line up, slate their name and age, and tell what they liked to get at the grocery store.   My daughter said, "her name, age 7, 8 in 12 more days!, and that she likes to get twist ties (as in the green ties in the produce section to close bags) at the grocery store."   She said the guy operating the camera almost fell on the floor laughing, then regained his composure.   He prompted her by asking what else she likes to get.  She smiled and said, "Watermelon and grapes."  I laughed so hard when she told me.   Was it a true response?  Yes.   Was it what they were looking for?  No.  Was it funny?   Yes.  Well, she had her fun today.  It was good to laugh.  We have nothing tomorrow.   I plan to finish the school work for the week, practice violin, and then maybe go swimming.

Since Sunday is Palm Sunday, I leave you with this scripture:
"They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Blessed is the King of Israel!”
John 12:13

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