Saturday, March 31, 2012

Sore Bottoms

Yesterday the kids and I hiked Runyon Canyon with the Ewings.   I have been there before with the kids and my children complained ALL THE WAY UP and ALL THE WAY DOWN.  We hiked up to the lookout point and then further up to another look out point.   This was some serious hiking.   Do you know what???  The kids never complained once.   In fact, a few times I had to tell them to slow down and wait for me. 

We got to the top and took a sloping trail down.   Other than my son falling, bruising and bloodying his knee, the kids walked or ran the entire trip.   I was so proud of them.   Today, both told me when I got out of bed that their bottoms were sore.   My calves were sore earlier, but no longer.   The kids haven't complained since this morning, so their soreness must have worn off too.   They were the youngest kids on the trail and I'm so proud of them for making it. 

Yesterday, I also had to drop my car at the shop to get some repairs done.   Slowly things have stopped working in my car.  First the cigarette lighter, then the radio, then the clock, then the dash lights and tail lights.   I couldn't drive it any longer with out tail lights.   I had brake lights, but I realized this week I didn't have tail lights while driving at night.   I took it to a auto shop that specialized in auto electrical systems.   $240 later, I have tail lights, dash lights, and a clock.   The cigarette lighter still doesn't work, but I'm making it OK without a GPS.  I was really worried this was going to be a very expensive repair, but I'm glad it is now fixed.   A short in the dash caused all the problems.  I figured out the car is 18 years old.   Thankful it is still running.

Today, we went to a group violin class.   It was so fun for the kids to play along with other kids.   We had a blast.   The teacher also looked at my son's bridge and straightened it.  He dropped it about a month ago.   I straightened it one way when it happened, but there were two other things to check.   Now, I can get his D string to tune again.   We caught up on school today and then just enjoyed a quiet Saturday.   We are having a cook out tonight with some friends.   It is chilly here, so we'll be bundled up tonight.  

Have a blessed weekend.  

Clap your hands, all you nations;
shout to God with cries of joy.
How awesome is the LORD Most High,
the great King over all the earth!

Psalm 47:1-2

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Crocheting and Funny Story

I've been a crocheting fool.   I found a really easy scarf pattern and made 4 scarves from it.   I can now make the scarves without thinking about it.  I also saw a neat pattern for keeping your crochet hooks in one place.   It uses a bit of a complicated star stitch.   I found the pattern on this blog, but there was also a tutorial on Youtube.  Using both as resources worked very well.   I watched the videos and tried stuff until I got the hang of it.  In addition to learning how to read a pattern and make the star stitch, I also learned a half double crochet stitch.  I am using a yarn that changes colors, so it looks interesting.   Jason is requesting that I make him something.   I'm thinking about a beanie in a big chunky yarn.   I'm still thinking about it.  

Yesterday, I stopped into a local scrapbook store.   I run past it when we run, but we are in the middle of a workout, so we don't stop!   I found their prices for paper very high, but they had a bargain bin I enjoyed.   There were odd papers for $0.49.  I found a cool piece that had was a scalloped shape with a spot on one corner.   I figured I could put an embellishment over it and no one would ever know. 

Now for the funny story...  My daughter had two auditions today.  She went to one audition where she recognized the casting director from a previous audition and callback.   He was joking around with her and she came out of the audition in good mood.   She had a 2nd audition at another facility.   We drove over to the 2nd and she was telling me with relish about her first audition.   The 2nd audition was for a grocery store.   It was what I call a "cattle call."   They call a zillion kids for one role.   I don't put much stock in these, but they are good experience for auditioning.   She was still silly from her last audition.  They took the kids in 8 at a time.  She was the next to last in her group of kids.  The casting director had all of the kids line up, slate their name and age, and tell what they liked to get at the grocery store.   My daughter said, "her name, age 7, 8 in 12 more days!, and that she likes to get twist ties (as in the green ties in the produce section to close bags) at the grocery store."   She said the guy operating the camera almost fell on the floor laughing, then regained his composure.   He prompted her by asking what else she likes to get.  She smiled and said, "Watermelon and grapes."  I laughed so hard when she told me.   Was it a true response?  Yes.   Was it what they were looking for?  No.  Was it funny?   Yes.  Well, she had her fun today.  It was good to laugh.  We have nothing tomorrow.   I plan to finish the school work for the week, practice violin, and then maybe go swimming.

Since Sunday is Palm Sunday, I leave you with this scripture:
"They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting,
“Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”
“Blessed is the King of Israel!”
John 12:13

Monday, March 26, 2012

Raining in L.A.

It is a rainy day in L.A.   We left to take Jason to the airport and had to wade out of our apartment complex.  He drove to the airport to let me have a break.   I have been fighting a cold the last few days.  Yesterday, I spent the entire day in bed.  Since it was raining and drivers in L.A. drive me crazy, I took my latest crocheting project in the car so I would drive my hubby crazy.   I am a BAD side seat driver...true confession.   We hoped the rain would be stopped by the time we got down to Santa Monica.   Unfortunately, it was still drizzling, so we ate an early dinner of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.   Yes, I let my kids have ice cream for dinner.   Did I mention it is raining in L.A.?   The world must be coming to an end.   I also stopped in a this fabulous shop in Santa Monica.   I could have gotten in serious trouble here.   They had yarn, alpaca, so soft!   Fabric, scrapbooking stuff.   It was wonderful.   It had a great artsy chic feel to it as well.    I spent about 15 minutes ohhing and ahhing.   I will have to go back.  

We made dropped Jason off and the airport and drove back to the apartment under sunny skies.   We missed a walk on the beach by an hour...seriously?   The rain stopped for a few hours, just in time to celebrate a friend's 18th birthday and now it is raining buckets again.   The kids are still settling down to sleep.   The excitement of the birthday and the double chocolate yummo cake have them a bit hyped up, oh and the ice cream..:)  

This week my daughter has had a cold.   I finally took her to urgent care on Thursday when I thought she was getting worse again.   They gave her some meds. and now I think she is on the mend.   I started feeling bad Thursday afternoon.  Thankfully Jason arrived Thursday night and took some of the load off my shoulders.   He took my daughter to set Saturday while I stayed in bed.   My son spent the day with me doing nothing.   At one point he looked at me and said, "Get up!  You are being lazy."   To which I replied, "I'm sick, not lazy."   I got a little grace from him after that.   He went and visited the boy next door for a couple of hours.   Then came back and hung out with me.

Last weekend, I managed a book review post that was at the deadline.  My daughter shot an electronics company commercial a week ago Thursday and Friday.   She shot a student film last weekend.   I think four days of work is probably what led to her cold.   Something was going around and then she had four busy days.   So she caught the bug.   This week brought several auditions, one callback, and some rest.  I think we are all on the mend from illness and I am thankful.  

I won't have a running buddy tomorrow.   My running buddy's son is wrapping a short film he worked on his weekend tomorrow.   I hope to get the kids out and run anyway.   The air quality should be wonderful after all the rain!   Church was amazing as always today.  

I have no idea what the week hold, but God does!   Wishing you a blessed week!

Then Jesus said to his disciples: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.  Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?  Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?

Luke 12:22-26

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Book Review: Living Close to God (When You’re Not Good at It)

Living Close to God (When You’re Not Good at It) is a very interesting and challenging book.   This book would be a great book for a devotional.   I tried to read it straight through and found it difficult.  The reader needs to take time to digest the author’s suggestions.   The author is obviously passionate about the topic and his experiences.  The reader also needs to take the time to experience the Word as the author experienced it.   Using the book in this manner would make the book most useful.  I agree with the plea at the end of the book to read it again.   I think that one could learn a lot from this book by reading it multiple times.   This book is more about your spiritual growth than finishing a book and putting it on the shelf. 

This book was provided for the purposes of review by Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers.  All opinions expressed are my own. 

Sunday, March 11, 2012


We've had a fun week.

Ok, the acting daughter had two callbacks for two low budget films. She also auditioned for a small part in a network pilot. Early this week she had a callback for a web series. She booked one student film and shot another student film. She also auditioned for an electronics commercial with a producer she knew from another shoot. She also booked a small role in a Christian music video. Finally, we had a promo shoot for a kids talk show on a Christian cable network she booked in January. In spite all of this, we finished school one day early in anticipation of my husband arriving Thursday night! The kids worked really hard on school this week and did a great job.

One day sent us to Santa Monica, so we went early to beat the traffic and enjoy the wonderful weather.   The kids had fun on the beach and stayed reasonably clean for the audition we were heading over to next. 

We saw ladybugs on the shore line.  

The waves made this cool pattern on the beach.

My daughter appeared a master's thesis film this week with American Film Institute.   She got to play her first role as a thug.  In this film, she portrays the six year version of a pyromaniac who is obsessed with zombies.  That could not be more opposite of my daughter.   It was fun to see her range.    

In non-acting related news, we've been running with my friend Marilyn, her son Cole, and another Mom, Yoko.   Marilyn loves animals.   We've met lots of animals and their owners.   This is Fox.  

 You can call him and he will run to you like a dog.  We see him almost every day!  Our run/walk bootcamp like workouts are 3-4 miles and can take up to an hour and a quarter with all the smooching on the animals.   The kids ride their scooters, but quickly bail off to meet friendly pets.   We also met a golden retriever this week that was so sweet! 

OK, a little background.   I wrote this post yesterday sitting on the WB "ranch" lot.   It is a WB owned lot that essentially looks like a little neighborhood, except all the houses are famous for being used in TV shows or movies.    I was sitting next door to the Partridge family's house while my daughter shot in front of the Bewitched house.     The production also shot in front of the Griswold house.   I stood next to the fountain used in the opening credits of Friends and talked on the phone.   Yes, it was surreal.   I was also reminded of my calling out here.  I had some interesting conversations with some of the actors.   I felt like I got another look at how some actors feel judged by Christians in general.   One actor related a story of being told by a Christian family member that they were lying by acting and therefore going to hell.  Yes, we need to be truthful, but telling someone they are going to hell because they act and acting is lying cannot please the Creator.  The conversation gave me pause and something to think and pray about.   I am praying about how to further the gospel to people who have been hurt by others before me.  

Today was church.   I was blessed by church again.   I haven't been able to formulate my thoughts on the sermon, but it was so applicable.   I may have my daughter watch the podcast. 

My husband was in town this weekend, so we enjoyed spending time with  him before he headed back to Houston.   We went to Disney on Friday.   Funny story, my daughter lost another tooth right before they got on Space Mountain.   First, I'm glad my husband was able to secure it before the ride started.   Second, that she didn't loose it while on the ride!  That kid has a flair for loosing her teeth at the most interesting times.   We went to In & Out Burger after church today.  Then, we headed to the Lego store to pick up the free mini build for March.   I totally forgot to take the kids on Tuesday night.   Thankfully they still had some kits left over.  We came home from the airport, visited with friends, ate dinner, and made the mini build.   The kids are asleep and now, I am trying to adjust to the time change.  

Praying for a productive week!   We are not taking Spring Break until the middle to end of April when my Mom is coming for a visit!   We are also hoping for some good news on all the callbacks, but as I tell my daughter, God is in control.   We don't know the future, but He does and I know He has my back!

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.  And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will."
Romans 8:26-27

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Good Times

My last 24 hours were such a blessing!   I got to see an old friend, whom I treasure.   She lives in San Francisco, but I haven't made it up there to see her while we've been here.   She was in town this past week for TED.   She attended TED to network for a nonprofit that she co-founded.   God totally connected us week before last through a random connection.   He is GOOD   Yesterday evening I drove to Long Beach to get her after the TED conference wrapped.   Good to see her, so good.   We have a friendship where we pick up where we left off the last time we saw each other.   No subject is taboo.   It is a nice comfy friendship.   She was exhausted from TED, but we enjoyed her visit regardless.   My kids absolutely love her.   My daughter was especially sad to drop her off at the airport earlier this afternoon.  

I was blessed by some great friends in college.   They are all far flung now, but treasured none the less.   I have three college friends in Houston.   I see one sweet lady pretty regularly.  I am so thankful she has been a constant in my life.   I need to go and see the other two when I get home.   I totally enjoyed my Cali transplant friend this weekend.  

Friends are fitting this was in my Bible reading this morning. 

"If one falls down, his friend can help him up!   But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!"
Ecclesiastes 4:10