Thursday, January 19, 2012

Weird Friends, I Didn't Kill a Homeless Guy

The title says it all.   I was driving down Vine this morning taking my daughter to an acting class.  We were chatting away and I noticed this white trucked was stopped in the the lane next to me.  It was mid block and somewhere in my brain registered, "pedestrian jaywalking?"   I slowed down and about that time a homeless man shod only in pajamas and socks walks right in front of me.   I slammed on the brakes and by some miracle stopped.   Thankfully the man behind me, who was tailgating me, didn't hit me.   Our homeless friend shuffled his way across the street staring us down as if he was annoyed by our presence.

I learned a little L.A. lore last fall.  You stop for pedestrians wherever, whenever, ALWAYS, even jaywalking.  I know technically vehicles should yield to pedestrians, but I have never seen it in practice like I have here.  It is nice if you are a pedestrian.   It can be annoying when you finally get it clear to turn left and someone ambles out into the road taking a Sunday stroll ignoring the orange hand that means, you missed your chance buddy!  In Houston you are lucky not be run you down crossing the street while someone makes a right hand turn, walk light or no walk light.    I'm glad that I had that tucked away and God reminded me of it.   Otherwise, I might have seriously injured another human.   I'm not sure my daughter or I would've recovered from that.

In other news, we made both the booking and the audition today.   The traffic on the 101 had me nervous for while, but we were on time to both, early to the second.   I also have not had to pay to park yet since I got here.   I am learning to take advantage of parking in a neighborhood and walking a couple of blocks to our destination.   First, I copiously study the signs to make sure I am legal.   The conversation in my head goes like this, "No parking Monday 12-3, OK, it is Thursday. Good.  2 hr. parking 8am - 6pm, except Sunday.   It is 2:00, I have until 4:00. No parking after 6pm, Permit 3B exempted.  Man I wish I had a 3B permit today, but I don't need it."
I wonder how long my streak will last?

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