Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Harvest of Grace

This book is part of a series of books called Ada’s House.   It is always hard to pick up a book in mid series.   The author’s dilemma is how much to repeat to include new readers to the series without boring established readers.   This author does a short synopsis and then starts her story.   There is a helpful chart at the back of the book to give you some insight into the characters.  Since I was new to the series, I spent the first third of the book trying to get the characters and storyline straight. 

The story in itself was a sweet story.   You can see how forgiveness transforms one character.   Another character learns to trust again.  I enjoyed the themes of the book.   I could identify with the character.   I almost feel I should read the book again now that I understand the back stories.

I read the book fairly quickly.   I was also disappointed when I finished it because I enjoyed being a part of the character’s worlds.   I find the Amish are fascinating.   Seeing their lives in a fictionalized form is interesting.  I would recommend this as a sweet endearing read to anyone who likes to read fiction.

I received this book from Multnomah Publishers for the purpose of review.   All opinions expressed are my own. 

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