I recently read Twice a Bride by Mona Hodgson. Set in 1898, the story follows a widowed woman, Willow, who is restarting her life after the loss of her husband. She returns to the Colorado town of Cripple Creek after the death of her father and attempts to find work. She begins working for a man named Trenton and the story unfolds from there.
It is an enjoyable work of romantic fiction. Twice a Bride is the fourth book in the series, but I did not realize that until after I had read the book. It can stand alone quite easily. The characters were engaging and not contrived at all. The story progresses naturally and the ending is happy.
I would recommend this work for cozy by the fire winter reading or for a sunny beach day. It is a easy enjoyable read. I would read the previous books as well because I enjoyed this one so much.
I received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers for the purposes of review, but all thoughts are my own.