We left out apartment last Thursday morning planning for one final day in L.A. and a road trip home. Well that was my plan, but the Lord had other plans.
My daughter woke me at up 6:00 am Thursday morning which meant I was tired all day Thursday. She went to one final acting class. Then we ate lunch and wasted time before one final audition. The audition was in Culver City which made getting on I-10 super easy after the audition. I went early to the audition hoping to get out early and beat some of the rush hour traffic. Well...the audition went late, I got on the road at 4:20. There was a stalled car on I-10 that backed traffic up as soon as I got on it. We were smack in the middle of rush hour traffic. I think I went past downtown L.A. at 5:00, not optimal. We caught CA-60 and enjoyed the carpool lane all the way to Riverside. We stopped for dinner at the worlds slowest McDonalds and were back on the road about 6:30. A friend of mine with lots of Hilton points offered to get us a room for the night in a Hilton brand hotel. As we talked, I realized I could either A) drive 5 hours to Phoenix and get in around midnight or B) stop around Palm Springs. Since I had yawned all day, I talked to Jason. He didn't have a good feeling about me driving to Phoenix, so I choose B, but decided to get an early start and still get to Houston Saturday night.
We stayed in Desert Springs, east of Palm Springs for the night. I woke up on my own at 5:50 the next morning after a fitful night sleep. I got the kids up and fed and we were on the road by 6:45. My plan was to make Fort Stockton, TX for the night. The first 40 minutes passed rather uneventfully. We went up a huge mountain and cruised down the road. We passed a sign that said, "Next services 60 miles." About 10 minutes past the sign, the car made a funny noise and downshifted. I thought that something could be wrong, so I started looking for an exit. I found one after about 5 minutes and pulled off. It was an exit for utiltiy vehicles I later figured out. I called Jason, no answer, I called Jason, no answer, I called Jason and he answered with, "Is there a problem."
I replied, "I wouldn't call you three times if there wasn't."
I had already looked under the hood and thought maybe I had broken the fan belt. I couldn't tell and so I kept Jason on the phone as I tried to get back on the interstate. I didn't get up to 40 mph before the car made a horrible noise, lurched, and then sounded like something was dragging. I pulled way off the road and put the car in park. It was hard to shift into park which confirmed my broken transmission fears. I then told Jason, I was pretty sure I had a transmission malfunction and I was calling roadside assistance.
I called roadside assistance and started answering the questions. The hardest one was, "Where are you.?" I know I am eastbound on I-10, the next town is Blythe. I've passed Indio. I just passed an exit for Red Cloud Road. It took 5 minutes to find me on a map. Just as she determined where I was, a friendly CA highway patrol officer stopped. He confirmed I was in Desert Center. Named because it was in the center of the desert, I have all the luck! I told the officer that I was on the phone with roadside assistance and that they were locating a tow truck for me. He said he was going to check on me if I was still there in 2 hours. I really hoped I wouldn't see him again. After about an hour, the roadside assistance clerk found someone to get me. She got estimates of 5-6 hours and $660. I turned those down and prayed she would keep trying. I was in the desert. At 8:30 it was beginning to get warm, I couldn't imagine 12:30. The tow truck driver showed up at 9:30 and the charge was not too terrible considering he had to drive about 25 miles one way to get me. The kids and I squeezed into 2 seats and strapped in. The tow truck driver was very nice and delivered us to the repair shop Jason had found on the Internet.
The guys at the shop were hopeful for my sake that the axle had broken. They put it up on the lift, checked the axle, then drained some transmission fluid. They showed me fluid that had metal shavings everywhere...never a good sign. I knew then my transmission was damaged. Then they showed me a piece of chewed up metal. It was my differential before it overheated and exploded and took out my transmission with it. At some point all the fluid around the differential had drained out. Several of the gears pieces inside the transmission were missing. I looked into my transmission and saw it for myself! At this point, I knew it was going to be a painful, expensive transmission repair. The guy told me the earliest they could get the part would be Monday, from L.A. (the irony.) They were getting a used one which they would rebuild with a new clutch and seals and then install. The earliest I would be able to get the car back would be Tuesday afternoon. FYI: It is Tuesday night and I am still in Indio. The shop owner, a woman, drove us to a motel with fast food restaurants within walking distance. That is where the kids and I have been since Friday about noon. Since then I have undertaken operation: make the best of things.
Since, I didn't think I would need our swimsuits when we left L.A. I packed them at the bottom and back of our trunk with most of our clothes. So Friday afternoon, the kids and I walked to K-Mart down the street and bought swimsuits and sunscreen. They swam late Friday afternoon when the sun was less intense. We did school on Saturday morning, talked to Jason on Skype, played card games, and swam Saturday afternoon. We watched church online Sunday morning, did school (might as well make the time productive), and went to see the Avengers Sunday afternoon. By the way, the kids and I liked it. My son didn't get scared as I expected he would. He did sit in my lap the entire movie. Monday we did school, played card games, and swam. Today, we did school, watched a movie on Netflix, played card games, and swam. The hotel has complimentary breakfast and we walk to the nearby restaurants for lunch and dinner. So far, we've been to Burger King 3 times, KFC twice, Pollo Loco once, and ordered Dominoes once. There is not a grocery store nearby or I would have walked over there and gotten some snacks or sandwich stuff. We have a mini fridge. The temps during the day have been 96-100 degrees. It was 70 the day we left L.A. We are acclimating to the heat quickly! When I talked to the mechanic today, before I paid for another night at the hotel, he said maybe the car would be ready by Wednesday, but didn't sound very promising. Today was the first day that I could tell the kids were getting tired of being in the hotel. It is too hot to be outside much during the day and I don't feel safe going out after dark. We're making the best of it and praying we get home by the weekend. Above all, I want the car fixed correctly. I still have about 1,400 until I get home. I am praying for the mechanic, praying for no cabin fever, and praying for safety.
The upside of all of this is that I am more rested than I was when I left L.A. We have caught back up on school due to missing a couple of days last week. I have talked with my sister-in-law, my friend Marcy, my friend Sarah, and my Mom. I am caught up with them. The kids have gotten to swim four out of the last five days. We got to see the Avengers. The kids may be completely burned out on fast food by the time we get home, I know I will be! :) We were truly kept safe throughout our ordeal. We encountered nice, upstanding people along the way. I have gotten to hang out with my kids with few distractions. Praying for an uneventful rest of the trip home. God willing!
"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."
Proverbs 16:9